Thank you for considering Oak Tree Comics as a home for your creativity. Below you will find FAQs to accompany our submission guidelines.

Who can submit a story? Anyone! Whether you are a writer, an artist and writer, or an artist-and-writer team, we'd love to hear from you.
What genre of books does Oak Tree Comics publish? We publish children's books that advocate for environmentalism through imagination. At this time, we are specifically interested in picture books and young reader and middle-grade graphic novels.
Does my story need to be a comic? No. But your story should place an important emphasis on its visual storytelling. Generally, we are not interested in prose novels that lack an illustrative component and narration-heavy picture books. For picture books, we prefer when the illustrations compliment or contrast with the prose, instead of merely depicting or amplifying the narration.
How much does Oak Tree Comics pay? Our rates are industry-competitive. Generally, we do not publish pay rates. They vary project to project.
As a single PDF, please include the following with your submission:
1. A cover letter introducing yourself and your project. Please include any relevant information about where you are in the creative process, who is part of your creative team, and why your story would be a good fit for Oak Tree Comics. (300 words max)
2. As part of the cover letter, include a link to your online writing and/or art portfolio.
3. As part of the same PDF, include a one-page synopsis of your story. Your synopsis should include all major plot points. Spoilers are both encouraged and expected. (300 words max)
4. Your full written manuscript.
5. Either a completed picture book dummy or up to ten pages of a thumbnail outline for a young reader or middle-grade graphic novel.
Please email all submissions to info(at)oaktreecomics(dot)com.
To help prevent waste, we only accept digital submissions. Any physical submissions will not be returned. As we are a small staff, please allow us up to six months to review your submission. Most likely, we will be in touch much sooner. If we have any follow-up questions or would like to see additional materials, we will let you know.
Everyone at Oak Tree Comics is a fellow creative, so we relate to being on the other end of the submissions process. Thanks again for considering Oak Tree Comics as a home for your creativity!